Conversation Between Mouse and ChickPea

82 Visitor Messages

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  1. Och, don't feel guilty at all. Doesn't matter if you didn't make it yourself from scratch. It's how you incorporated it into the map, and the work you put in to achieve that. That's what counts. And the final result is gorgeous!
  2. Aw thanks for the lovely comment and the rep, ChickPea - and the vote I feel a bit guilty, now, because the ship is a rendering of a 3D model I bought from Cornucopia... though setting up the Vue scene to get exactly the picture I wanted was, I admit, the trickiest bit of the whole map!
  3. Haha - Space Beastie it is, then! I think I will call it that when I add it to Finished Maps
  4. Haha, I was typing my rep comment & realised halfway through that I had no idea how to spell cela-thingie...

    Space beastie works for me!
  5. Its a celapho... no I mean cephalopod! LOL! (I had to edit my own flipped-around spelling mistakes in more than one of my own comments on the thread)! The word seems to lend itself to any latent dyslexic tendencies. Next time I'm doing a cat... or a dog... something with only three letters in it! Thanks for the rep, the comment and the vote, Chickpea
  6. A very worthy map, even if it is evil its wickedly funny - your welcome, ChickPea
  7. Thanks, Mouse! Appreciate the rep and the comment.
  8. Thanks for the rep and the lovely comment on my Atlas Ward map, ChickPea
  9. My pleasure We have a lot to thank you for!
  10. Aww, thank you!!
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 82
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