Conversation Between Greg and Mouse

64 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep and nice comment, Mouse! That would be nice if it did, but who knows.
  2. The Challenges are brilliant at getting the 'mappy' juices flowing. I hope to see more of your work too. You have a very vibrant colour sense
  3. I always try to use the challenges for pushing forwards creatively and going outside the comfort zone and found I've improved a lot (I hope) since doing them. They aren't always the most popular maps, but I get to try new things, so I look forwards to what you come up with too!

    Also, thanks for the rep and the nice comment Mouse!
  4. Thanks for the rep, GLS It was an experience and a half working outside my normal comfort zone - without a pre-set style or grid! LOL!
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 64 of 64
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