Conversation Between Mouse and ThomasR

84 Visitor Messages

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  1. You're most welcome, thomrey
  2. Thanks for the rep and comment
  3. Thanks for the rep on Merelan City
  4. You're very welcome Thomrey - well deserved And I would really love to see how you did that ocean too
  5. Thanks for the rep Mouse. About the ocean, it's nothing difficult, if you want the way to do it, I'd be glad to show it.
  6. Thanks Thomrey
  7. Thanks for the rep. Take any idea you want it's free for the taking !
  8. Thanks for the rep and the very kind comment, Thomrey
  9. That's the spirit
  10. You're very welcome This map has so many interesting little details you could use it as the inspiration for a novel I love maps like that!
Showing Visitor Messages 71 to 80 of 84
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