Conversation Between Mouse and ChickPea

82 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep on the Road to Tiamis, ChickPea I'm just so glad you made that off-the-cuff remark about hand drawing a map!
  2. Yay! Looking forward to it.
  3. Thanks very much for the rep-back, ChickPea, and the lovely comments you made about Merelan City As for the 'promise' of a hand drawn map - your on!
  4. Aw, you're very welcome, and thanks for the rep. I'm going to hold you to that promise of a hand-drawn map (yeah, yeah, I know it wasn't a promise, but I'm taking it that way! ) Doesn't have to be today, though. Take your time.

    Best of luck in your interview! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.
  5. Thanks for the rep and the comment on my Bloodrock map, ChickPea . Phew indeed! I never seem to do anything the easy way! LOL!
  6. Thanks, Mouse! It actually IS sunny today. Too bad I'm stuck at work.
  7. Happy Birthday! Hope the weather's better for you in sunny Scotland today than it is down here in Dorset
  8. Thank you so much for the encouraging comment that came with your rep for 'My Dear Arramatapo' letter-map
  9. Thank you so much for the rep and the lovely comment, Chickpea ... and I think you may be right about the other thing!
  10. Haha, maybe I should do a summer version of the map!

    Glad to have been of help, and I'm pleased the problem got sorted out quickly.
Showing Visitor Messages 71 to 80 of 82
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