Conversation Between Mouse and Shall Teclex

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. Aw, thank you, Shall

    Congratulations yourself on winning Best Map

    I really loved the colours...
  2. Thank you, Mouse, for taking us to the beautiful journey down the dreamy Road to Tiamis! Congratulations for the Atlas Award!
  3. Happy Birthday, Shall!
  4. My pleasure

    I'm still a bit tired from work, but I think I need to add a bit about your lovely city to the thread, since you said so many lovely things about everyone else's maps
  5. Thanks for the lovely words and the vote on El Angel Caido, Mouse! And the rep is always a nice treat after a hard work
  6. Thanks for the vote, the rep, and the lovely comment, Shall. I could say the same about the amazing speed and beauty of your map
  7. Thank you, Shall - not half as beautiful as yours
  8. How could I not? Its a beautiful map with gorgeous colours, Shall

    And I'm still chuckling away at your comment about me being the grand druid - I have this vision of my little mouse form being drowned in long flowing robes of grey and white silk, and looking rather too ridiculously dignified for myself! LOL!
  9. Thank you for support, the rep, and the vote for Desert Dragon, Mouse
  10. Big thanks for your comments, feedback, and the rep, Mouse. This was a really enjoyable challenge
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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