Conversation Between Mouse and Chris Lewis

2 Visitor Messages

  1. You're welcome, Mouse

    I've been working with GIMP but getting very little done on achieving the look I want. I've been looking at tutorials but since I have no background in PS/graphics software it is slooooooooooooooooooooow going, lol. Just trying to learn what I can and understand why things do what they do in GIMP. I've decided to hold off on a tablet until I become at least as proficient with GIMP as you have - it would be my little reward I will try to push myself and post something I've done with maps I've drawn so I can get feedback and some help. Again, awesome job on your work. Thank you for being an inspiration.
  2. Thank you so much for the rep on The Road to Tiamis, Chris GIMP isn't as difficult as people make out. Give it a go! Can't wait to see you shading and colouring up all those maps you've been drawing
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