Conversation Between ThomasR and damonjynx

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the rep Damon
  2. Don't worry with this Damon Just keep making awesome maps !
  3. Thanks for the rep and kind words Thomas, I need to spread the rep love before I can return some...
  4. Thanks a lot for your vote on the lite challenge And I really liked your entry, very clever to go two parts. I almost did the same thing using the recto of the parchment for the map and the verso for the indications.
  5. You're welcome Thomrey. A well deserved win in the challenge. And congrats again on the birth of Alice. Our first grandchild was born 6 months ago and they (children of course) are an absolute blessing! We love the little fella to bits even if we don't see him as much as we'd like. Oh, and happy birthday as well!
  6. Thanks a lot damonjynx, yours was really creative
  7. You're welcome, Thom. It's a good map.
  8. Thanks for your vote in the Lite Challenge
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8