Conversation Between Mouse and Katto

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Aw, thank you Katto
  2. Happy birthday Mouse!
  3. Aw thanks for the rep and the lovely comment, Katto
  4. You're welcome I hope you had a great day of it
  5. Thank you for the birthday wishes Mouse!
  6. Hey - Happy Birthday Katto
  7. You're welcome! LOL. I'll try not to bungle it next time!
  8. Thanky you for the rep and the kind comment Mouse!
  9. Sorry Katto! Something happened with my rep comment. It decided to be finished before I was and vanished from sight with a muddled comment on it. What it was meant to say was: "This is an incredible work of art! Great stuff! "
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9