Conversation Between arsheesh and Drakecoinus

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Two years ago I spent about two or three weeks playing around with GIMP over Christmas break; I think this is really the best way to learn the basics of the program. I did a walk through of Ascension's Atlas style Tutorial (which Gidde had done a GIMP conversion for), and this gave me some good practice. I'd recommend doing something similar: find a tutorial that you like and then just practice running through it a couple of times in GIMP. Anyway, hope you enjoy yourself.

  2. I downloaded Gimp the other night but have not yet gotten into it to start practicing... but I got all winter free so who knows how long that's going to take to learn
  3. Well it's great to see another fellow OPer here at the Guild! This is such a great community by the way, I knew literally nothing about digital map making, or about digital art for that matter, before coming here. The good people here helped to get me on my way though. I hope that you enjoy this community as much as I do. Let me know if you have any questions about anything.

  4. Greeting arsheesh, I decided it was time to start trying to make a few maps and what do you know I see a name i recognize form the Portal
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