Conversation Between Abu Lafia and Meshon

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Soory, i ninjaed you ... couldn't reply on pm storage is full and i had no time to clean it up ...well gotta run to work now!
  2. Haha, i guessed you'd like that dusty junkyard Many thanks and really glad to see you back Meshon! Hope you had a good time in the wilderness of the Rockies.
  3. Question is: Who'll get the "crystal worth an empire"? Many thanks Archie... eh... Meshon, it was a real pleasure to hatch this plot with you!
  4. So true, I'm outta the club!
  5. Hey Meshon, congrats! Well deserved win with a fantastic map. Much to learn from it. Only sad thing is, you can't compete any longer in lite challenges...
  6. Danke sehr!
  7. Thanks a lot for the rep Meshon. I appreciate it very much. I'm glad you like it, since your fantastic work is a wonderful source of inspiration (and drooling) for me, i hope you don't feel too "sincerely flattered"!
  8. Many thanks for the rep and vote Meshon. I really appreciate it!
  9. Hello Meshon, just saw your link to the Wabi-Sabi philosophy/aesthetics... it somewhat sums up my own (more implicit) worldview, so it's very interesting to learn about that, not only for practical reasons (like excuses ). Thanks a lot!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9