Conversation Between Mouse and LordCartoart

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks Mouse
  2. Happy Birthday, Evan
  3. LOL! that's a relief You're welcome Evan
  4. Thanks for the rep.! I actually prefer people to point out issues in my work, because if they didn't, it would be hard to fix that problem, let alone notice it. Thanks again, Sue!
  5. Thanks for the rep and the comment, LC - always much appreciated
  6. Thank you for the rep, LC - much appreciated
  7. Thank you for the rep and the lovely comment on The Road to Tiamis, Evan - much appreciated
  8. I'd love to see you continue to develop both approaches
  9. I'm sure it does with everyone, without all those handy filters and brushes you can use digitally. It turns hours to seconds.
  10. You're very welcome, Evan. It takes a lot more to do a hand drawn map than it does to do the same thing with a mapping app (well, it does when I do it ) So - very well deserved
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
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