Conversation Between Chick and Chashio

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Chashio! Thank you for your vote on the annual challenge map! Really appreciated
  2. Hi Chashio, thank you for the rep on Darrovyr! I really had a great time making that map, so I'm glad you like it
  3. Thank you for the rep and the kind words, Chashio! I really appreciate it
  4. Well, you're welcome, but it was just a tiny thing. I like how you finished the map.

    And thanks for starting up the "reality" thread... I'll see if I can add something to it soon, maybe in the way of illustrative pictures as I think you covered 100% of my knowledge in the first five points Though I just increased my workload for the next 4-5 months to the maximum possible amount (or close enough), so it may take a few grabbed moments here and there.
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