Conversation Between Mouse and fol2dol

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh tell me about it!!! LOL!

    I sometimes don't know if I'm coming or going

    No worries anyway. I hope you had a great time
  2. Thanks Sue!!
    Sorry for not answering before, I'm a little busy those days.
  3. Happy Birthday, Robin
  4. Thank you very much for the rep and the lovely comment, fol2dol

    One thing I should point out about that map is that the cliffs are artificially sloped to show the details of the caves. If they were not, you would only see the edge and the shadow Squashing things flat like that to show what they are can cause a lot of distortion, so its not a technique that is often used - other than to show the detail of the cliff faces.

    Having said that, however, the Ordnance Survey are known to expand the width of cliffs in the real world maps they make, purely to be able to squeeze their classic cliff symbols into the space available on the map to show that there are in fact cliffs right there
  5. Thanks Mouse
  6. Happy Birthday young un!
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