Conversation Between Ilanthar and Wired

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the rep on the Ravaged Reaches, Ilanthar!
  2. Thanks a lot for your vote, Wired .
  3. Thank you very much, Ilanthar, you're too kind.
  4. I took inspiration of a NatGeo (if I'm not wrong) picture for the Solar System.
    Well, I simply draw the ellipses (with the same ratio height/widht) for the required scale, then the straight lines for degrees (with the correct angle). I "erased" most of the lines to keep only the 5° and the hatch on the last ellipse. I can open a resource thread with a png, if you want?
  5. Yes, that.
  6. Thanks! I'm not so sure of what you mean about the grids. Do you mean the general grid for distances and degrees?
  7. Thank you for the rep, Ilanthar!
  8. Thank you for the reputation!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8