Conversation Between ChickPea and AzurePlanet

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks, AP! Much appreciated. And it's nice to see you around again. Hope work hasn't interfered with your mapping time too much!
  2. Congrats for the 1st prize on your "Glasgow Necropolis"!
  3. Thank you, AP, and a belated Happy New Year to you too!
  4. Hi ChickPea!
    Nice new Avatar, even though I liked a lot the previous kitten!
    By the way, Happy New Year!
  5. Thanks for the friend request. Happy to accept!

    PS I wasn't able to rep you again for your challenge map, but I'm repping you in my heart!
  6. Thanks very much for the rep!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6