Conversation Between Chick and Larb

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you for the vote and the rep on Barsoom
  2. Hello Larb, thank you for the rep, I really appreciate it and I'm glad you liked the map
  3. Thank you for the rep, I really appreciate it
    Cheers, Cornelia
  4. Hi Larb! I love your rep comment, I only hope it's true!! Thanks so much
  5. Mapmaking should be a joy!
  6. Thank you, Larb! Rep from you is always a real treat! I appreciate the encouragement very much
  7. Thank you for the rep and the kind words!! That really makes my day!!
  8. Thank you for the vote on The Druid's Gift. It means a lot that you liked mine well enough to include it in your votes
  9. Thank you for the rep, Larb! I really appreciate the encouragement!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9