Conversation Between Tonnichiwa and J.Edward

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the rep John
  2. Ok, Thanks for letting me know John
  3. Hey Tony, I am the CL monitoring the Atlas award thread for City and I saw that you had nominated two maps and I had to delete the second one, Nubian Kings.
    To be more clear - to nominate 2 maps in a single category, 1 must be your own and 1 must be from another Guild member, or you can nominate 1 from another Guild member.
    Hopefully that clears it up. Just wanted to let you know.
  4. Thanks for the Rep John, I really appreciate it
  5. Thank John. I'm really glad you like that map.
  6. Thanks for the rep on Ashford
  7. You're welcome John, it is much deserved!
  8. Thanks for the rep on Nahadua
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8