Conversation Between Mouse and tilt

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well deserved

    I'm just at that tricky stage when memory is bad enough I have to go back to the door to check that I locked it before getting in the car, but not so bad that I forget to think about whether I did or not! LOL!
  2. Thanks for the rep Mouse, and no, your memory is not that bad - you haven't repped me for it already LOL
  3. Well deserved, Tilt - it was a great map. You got those shadows down to a T
  4. Thanks for the rep and vote on my Caves of Chaos map Mouse, and the kind words
  5. You're very welcome Tilt I just wish that you'd had time to finish it!
  6. Thanks for the rep on my inky-carto-island
  7. You're welcome, Tilt

    But I have to say - a map that made me laugh out loud and titter for ages at the measure of a mouse scale and all the antics of my new gang - how could I NOT vote for it? LOL!
  8. Thanks for the vote on "Operation Swiss Cheese"
  9. Since I have to rep 10 others between each one, I'd better get going
  10. hehe.. well thanks a bunch.. I'll just make 999 maps more then so you can keep going
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
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