Conversation Between Mouse and Francissimo

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Birthday, Francissimo! Thank you for all your help and support in the last couple of months. I hope you have a great time today
  2. Thank you for the support in the making of O'Gray's Pearls - Nexus City. Thank you also for your vote and the comment and rep - all is much appreciated (especially the prod you gave me about the shading of the forests! LOL!)
  3. Thanks for the rep, the lovely comment and the vote, Francissimo
  4. You're welcome, Francissimo

    I'll try a few more space maps in the future, and I'll try not to turn them into floods next time
  5. Thanks a lot for this kind comment and rep Mouse
    I hope you'll do more space maps!
  6. Thank you for the rep, and your kind words of encouragement, Francissimo
  7. You're welcome - well deserved
  8. Thanks for the rep
  9. Thanks for the rep on my Atlas Ward map
  10. Thank you for the rep on Merelan City, Francissimo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10