Conversation Between arsheesh and Valtharius

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks Valtharius. Yes, I too love and miss Oregon, even though I am currently living in New Zealand (arguably one of the worlds most beautiful nations).

  2. Excellent artistry and cartography. I like deep, rich colors you use. I grew up on the southern Oregon Coast many, many moons ago. Love Oregon!
  3. Thanks for your feedback on my map of Lothgar. By the way, I just visited your flash site for Argontath and was really impressed. I'm in the process of building my own campaign world as well, so I appreciate all the love and labor that goes into a project like this. Also, I too have an interest in the medieval period, though I'm not as knowledgeable about the history as I'd like to be. I've studied a bit of Aquinas's work and a smidgeon of Scotus as well. At some point I'd like to make a point of better acquainting myself with the history of the period.

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