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Sam Jacobs Kline

The Land of Illithia

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Hello everyone my name is Sam. I only recently found this website and its community, and so far what I have seen is fantastic! There are so many talented artists here, and just by browsing through maps and drawings alike I feel extremely inspired. I would love to be part of this community, since it is full of people who share my passion for fantasy, storytelling, D&D and my new found hobby, cartography. Below is one of the first maps I've ever created, it is part of a long term D&D project, a universe where I will host many one shot games, and one day a full scale campaign.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	The Land of Illithia.jpg 
Views:	481 
Size:	1.64 MB 
ID:	74564

I have much to learn and would appreciate any and all constructive criticism from you, there's already a few notable things that definitely can be improved on. Using a larger canvas in the future may be one of the.

I'll tell you a little bit about my world, not spoiling too much of course!

The Land of Illithia was discovered only 11 months ago. In that time Humans, Dwarves, Elves and Gnomes alike have streamed in after hearing of its mysterious qualities. How a land mass of this size has not been found yet is completely unknown to me. In the end it wasn't by chance that these islands were found, but instead, using a compass. You see for the past decade, merchants, fishermen and military ships have documented their compasses 'breaking' in the waters surrounding Illithia. Soon after people started documenting these occurrences, and a pattern emerged. At the exact time, on the exact day, every single year, compasses close to the islands would turn to face it. For years it was just thought to be a myth, until a group of adventures set sail to find the source of the disruption. They found the island easily enough, for they were prepared to take note of the direction. Once they had landed on the shore, they created a small camp, already starting to notice how different and beautiful this land was. With further exploration they discovered that all of the plant life on this island, was completely foreign to them. What visible wildlife they could spot, also looked completely different . They had found an ecosystem, separated by water, that evolved completely separately from the outside world.

They found many exotic types of fruit, one of which glowed as they hung from their branches. A member of the adventures ate this fruit, and documented how revitalized and strong he felt. Every fruit they found had some kind of magical property, increasing their physical and or mental abilities. One made you more agile, another cleared your thoughts, and there was even one that increased your arcane power. Another few days of adventuring found them in large forest, among the most beautiful trees seen to man. When they stopped to camp, one of their party, a stout Dwarf, started to chop a tree in order to make a fire. After a few minutes chopping, and several loud remarks on how hard the wood of this tree was, he paused to look at the tree, only to see a dent. He looked to his axe, that was mithril made, to find it completely blunt. They had found what would later be called, The Oak-Heart Forest. The wood of these tree's were extremely strong, never brittle, and without rot, this wood would later be sought after across the entire world. The adventurers were ecstatic, overwhelmed with joy in this new found land.

It was only the next day that their excitement was cut short. On finding a new fruit, that looked just as mysterious and magical like the rest, they started to harvest them, and one particular Gnome started to eat one. Just like the others, upon eating this fruit he felt fantastic, a cut on his arm healed in a matter of seconds, just like a potion of healing would. They crowded around and watched as the wound closed, and the skin healed over. With a grin on the Gnomes face, and a second chunk of fruit in his mouth, he looked down to the fruit again, and the taste went sour in his mouth. The heart of this fruit was pitch black. Within a few hours, the Gnome was deathly sick, unable to move a single muscle, and with a chronic excruciating pain in his chest. The adventurers did not know what to do. They tried feeding him the revitalizing fruit, curing him with herbs they had brought from home, even casting powerful healing magic on him, but to no success. Their only choice was to return to the mainland, in hopes of taking him to a powerful mage. Several days into their journey home, he passed away.

News of Illithia spread quickly. Dwarves and Elves alike set sail to colonize these lands, in order to harvest these new found resources. It was quickly discovered that the Western Island was fairly safe, although there was much aggressive wildlife, the danger was no greater than that of the mainland. However, the Eastern Island was extremely dangerous, and all who ventured there never returned. With caution the land was mapped, by those who stayed far from its shores. To this day it is unknown what lies there, most people do not want to know.

The Northern Mountains were claimed by the Dwarves, since they felt at home in its icy tundra, it was here they began to mine. Much like the wildlife and plants, new ores were found, far stronger and more malleable. This too would soon be desired by many, for a sword made with these metals could be sharpened much finer, and held its edge indefinitely. Armour crafted of it could block any blade, and was as light as a feather. It was with this metal that the Oak-Heart tree's could be chopped, for their axes were much stronger. Deeper the Dwarves dug, finding more ores and stone, until eventually they came across gems, with their own set of properties. Some of them glowed red, and emitted an eternal flame, others were icy blue, and did the complete opposite. Gems of all colors were found, and their properties slowly discovered. The discovery of these Gems have led to rapid technological improvements by the Gnome tinkerers. In the Dwarven city IronHall, they work tirelessly, harnessing the power of the Gems in unique ways.

The Southern Mountains were claimed by the Elves, surrounded by a thick wooded forest, it was here they found the Arcane Ruins. These ruins amplify magic, allowing wizards and sorcerers alike to cast spells far exceeding their skill and knowledge. Below the ruins they discovered ancient catacombs and libraries, filled with scripture in a language unknown. From what they have deciphered, these scriptures hold the key to mastering the 5th and final element, Aether. The very fabric that holds this world together. The Elder Wizards believe that through this mastery, we may be able to connect with the other planes of existence, talk to the fallen, and discover ancient knowledge through direct contact with the Gods that reside in The Astral Sea.

The entire Western Island has been colonized, and its resources are being efficiently farmed and exported to the mainland. The Eastern Island remains a mystery, yet there is a constant stream of adventurers who come from all corners of the world to explore it. Most do not return, but those few who do return with incredible treasures. Scrolls, magical weapons and Armour, fruit that is not found on the Western Island, with its own unique properties, ancient runes, and of course, stories that make you want to hide in a corner. Take me seriously when I say, the Eastern Islands are not for the weak of heart.

It has almost been a year since the last magnetic shift occurred on the island, who knows what will happen? In any case, we will soon find out...

Ilrune Felmir, Master Librarian of Aelon

Look forward to hearing what you guys think

Updated 07-04-2015 at 10:42 AM by Sam Jacobs Kline

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  1. dglott's Avatar
    Ur map looks good and I like the story behind it...