Inner Sea GIS update
, 06-01-2016 at 03:11 PM (19249 Views)
Ok, I have completed the first phase:
- Created a GIS with a GCS-WGS-1984 projection
- Converted the map from the Inner Sea Map Folio from PDF to JPG
Imported them into Arcmap- Using the Golarion map from the Inner Sea World Guide as a guide, I georeferenced the four images. The scalar given on the map is 100% correct at the equator.
- From this basemap:
- Digitized rivers: All of them. 15/167 are unnamed
Attributes: Name, Watershed, Length, Direction, Order- Digitized lakes: All that are named, a few that are not, 27 so far
Attributes: Name, Watershed, Area, Drain- Digitized Forests: All that have names, 43 so far
Attributes: Name, Area- Digitized Cities: 271 total, 233 have full attribute data so far
Attributes: Name, Nation, Region Title, Size, Population, Government, Ruler, Leader, Demographics, Languages- Digitized national borders
I extracted the national maps from the Inner Sea World Guide to JPG
Imported them into Arcmap
Georeferenced relative to basemap
These are not completely consistent with each other
Many borders overlap and have gaps
Almost none of the 'disputed' areas contain settlements or sights. The two exceptions to this were easily resolved by checking the wiki page for those sites.- Created a geodatabase topology to correct nations
The errors were mostly corrected with Merge- Things to do:
- Adjust national borders to follow land features where appropriate
- Investigate for names for unnamed lakes and rivers
- Name unnamed rivers as tributaries
- Determine river directions
- Rank the rivers based on tributaries
- Determine drainage basins and watersheds
- Features to digitize
- Mountain ranges
- Sites given on the basemap
- Lost Kingdoms
- Lost Cities of Golarion
- Dungeons of Golarion
- Castles of the Inner Sea
- Cities Of Golarion
- Towns of the Inner Sea
- Plot adventure paths
- Plot major roads and trade routes
- Georeference city maps and make them viewable only at appropriate scales
Here are images of all the features I've digitized so far. Every feature has attribute data appropriate for its type.
I have managed to get a web map online with QGIS: