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And Parchments & Coins

Four year absence but now returned

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I joined up in April 2014, had a mad flurry of browsing, asked a few questions - and then disappeared.

Truth is real life intervened in spectacular style: I moved house to the other end of England, I set up my own games company to manage some Kickstarter interests, my real-life job was relocated for me despite being madly busier than ever, and I went 'medieval'. Then job relocation became redundancy, games company is now no longer an extra hobby interest, took early access to my pension to become semi-retired, and I'm even more medieval.

But it's nice to be back here.

Some of the creativity is truly astounding. I often just browse, click and stare for hours. And it's mightily impressive stuff and very inspirational.

I'm now considering what sort of maps I want to have created, because I fear my own digital competence is almost non-existent. But I will still consider retrieving my own sketchings from maps made long ago, scan them in and post them up, even if it's just for my own gallery.

And as with most of my gaming projects, I need to prioritise. Where to start? We shall see.
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