Wild Magic Surge: Inspiration
, 07-13-2019 at 10:11 PM (83861 Views)
TBH, I was on the toilet and got an idea for a town map I really want to draw. Mostly based or inspired by Guild War's 'Kryta' (GW1) but with with my own twists, adds and preferences to the point of unrecognisability.
Key things I've jolted down; a double bight location forming a natural double harbour, the inner harbour mostly filled, the middle with a docks and edges farmland (salt water crops?), the outer with an island fortress with smaller islands on side and a harbour proper the other.
The town itself is four parts. Lower town, Bazaar, upper town and the palace, forming obvious on the nose social classes and structure.
Town surrounds; tot's origini surrounding farmland.
Naturally I jolted these things on a crude sketch map, attached here.