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AutoRealm 3 Development - Initial Stages

Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.
I'm developing a modern AutoRealm version (from the older software named AutoREALM).
  • Currently, it reads the binary and XML v6 file formats and displays all objects minus the line type and end attributes. Loading and display is much faster (a large file load that took 10min with the old software now loads in seconds).
  • Rendering, in general, is much faster. Surface rendering is optimized for closed shapes.
  • It saves in a newer v7 binary format that corrects several issues.
  • Multiple maps can be loaded simultaneously.
  • The menu system is "complete" in that all items are present with placeholders and several tools are working or have stubs to demonstrate toolbars. Menus have been logically updated to better represent functionality.
  • Toolbars are "complete" in that present tools associated with their designated toolbar and display. Each toolbar display is toggled by the Toolbar menu.
  • The system is native UTF8 and i18n locale "language aware".
  • Zoom and Pan are working with built-in key controls (Shift+Ctrl + mouse scroll / left button drag). Zoom and pan are very fast relative to the old software.
  • Work In Progress on reading and managing the symbol files.
  • Layers (from the old Overlays) are NOT yet managed.
  • It currently creates freehand, line, polyline, curve, and polycurve objects. Fractal type creation will follow.
  • Much of the software is controlled via a config file. Units are managed in the config file and can be changed and extended. The unit name and value is saved in the new v7 format.
  • The icons are familiar, but have been updated.

Updated 10-29-2024 at 01:29 AM by AtesComp (Add category)

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  1. GrimFinger's Avatar
    It's been a long time, since I last looked at AutoRealm. Glad to learn that you are developing a modern version. Best of success to you on that!
    Updated 12-30-2024 at 03:48 PM by GrimFinger (Correct typo.)
  2. AtesComp's Avatar
    I've completed all essential file loading including symbols. XML files take longer to load and process due to the document and text conversion process. This is very noticable in larger files. I plan on continued support, but will push the binary format as the "standard". There were inconsistencies between the binary and XML formats that I've fixed.
    I'm also looking at supporting a JSON format as I'm planning on some web enabled capabilities.

    Added to the above, it processes base and reference objects. I'm working on optimizing much of the object processing for base/reference (duplicate) display.

    Text and curve text shapes now process wonderfully. I've added the FreeType2 lib and can process text as either texture or vector types. Vector processing is smoother for zooms. Texture processing is generally faster, but will "pixilate" under close up zooms. I need to add some of the text justification features.

    I've harvested quite a few older files from the old system's website. These old maps have helped highlight some of the color coding issues with the Delphi/Pascal code. I'll post some screen shots shortly.
  3. GrimFinger's Avatar
    This is excellent news.
  4. AtesComp's Avatar
    Some examples:

  5. AtesComp's Avatar
    Some examples:

  6. AtesComp's Avatar
    Some examples:

  7. AtesComp's Avatar
    Some examples:

  8. AtesComp's Avatar
    Some examples:

  9. AtesComp's Avatar
    Some examples:

  10. AtesComp's Avatar
    Some examples:

  11. AtesComp's Avatar
    Some examples:

  12. AtesComp's Avatar
    Now with Line Patterns: