Forums dedicated to resources you can use in your mapmaking endeavours.
Post your tutorials and how-to's, as well as link to tutorials already made.
Share and discuss the artwork bits and pieces used for mapping such as textures, tiles, brushes and symbols.
Post and share or link to reference material online that can help other mappers with inspiration or stylization.
If you need something made for a map or a complete map altogether, post here, someone may do it for you!
This is where all mapmaking requests go when they're finalized.
Forum for Professional Artists / Publishers / Software Reps - mainly to exhibit their work. If you wish to hire them for commissions then check that they are still active on the guild and make a map making request in that topic or private mail them if you are able.
Wondering how to do something? Lost and confused with your software? Curious how a certain map was made? This is the place to ask.