Hello everyone

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  1. Feathered fox ink
    Feathered fox ink
    Hi everyone!

    I recently joined the forum and it seems like I would nicely fit in this group. I came to mapping after some time doing calligraphy, and I'm still working for nibs and ink for both. Not that I don't enjoy a nice digital map, of course, I just prefer working on paper (I'm already spending too much time on my computer anyway).
    Looking forward to discuss all this with you!
  2. Simkin
    Hi all, it seems that this is a "no-group" .
    I would like to know how many of the members are still active.
  3. Arimel
    I don't think there is even a way to tell that really. I recognize a few of the group members but most of them are unfamiliar to me. Getting more activity here may be difficult though. I know I did not even get a notification that you (or anyone else for that matter) had posted here (only when I just went looking for it did I find this. I never knew it existed before).

    Honestly though, I never knew what the exact purpose of these groups. Perhaps if on the front page etc. there was more of a descriptions of the expectations for the group more people would use/post in them.
  4. Simkin
    You are right Arimel... I will post in the forum as always. There is no reason to "split" the conversations.
  5. Marcolino
    im just arrived.

    i make a cartography workshop about a month, and start drawing my first map, hand made. I dont have any draw skills. Much less with computer software.
  6. FantasyMapmakingCo.
    Hello, I am so happy I found this group! I love mapping with the old style of hand drawn maps and I prefer physical maps.
  7. jholdway
    I like using ink and watercolor. Hopefully I can find more people who are into it
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