In general, I'm not for AI for creating art. Because it's not really creating art. it's creating the average of what people have done, and so it doesn't push things forward. There are area's that I can see it being cost effective. For example, there's a YouTube channel I watch, that's self produced, about the unexplained, mysteries, cryptoids, that kind of thing. They have started using AI. But it's a thing one person, is putting out, by himself. He makes money off of it. It makes the videos more interesting rather than just him talking, when there's no images available. If he hired artists to create images, he wouldn't be able to afford to keep doing these.

But if a person considers themselves an artist. I have to admit, once they start using AI, I lose respect for them as an artist. They go from being an artist, to being a hobbyist in my mind.

But AI isn't going away. It's just learning and starting. Thankfully I will be retired or dead when it truly becomes AI.