I've been into TTRPG's since I was 10, so around 26 years now.

I'm pretty blessed to have a group of my best friends meeting every Tuesday for nearly 5 years. We play Pathfinder 1e, on the slow exp progression. We are all 14th level now, my character Hanzyre Louonovo just surpassed 800k exp last night!

Our weekly group is based in Eberron, while my personal campaign (which I just rebooted!) is a completely homebrew world. I find the setting to be much more important than the rules system, as we get involved in a lot more theater of the mind than crunchy chessex sheet battles. Not to say we don't get involved in some meticulous battle mat style encounters, but I supposed what I intend to say with this, is that each player has a set of wants and needs for coming to the table (or zoom), which can be catered to by being specific in rule set/setting choice.

I'm more curious as to what people's group dynamics are, character builds, neat modules to try, and the like. Thoughts?