Good day, everyone, whenever you may see this! I was recommended this site and it's exactly the kind of community I'd like to call on, so here I am! I'm currently creating a hack and reimagining of a tabletop Role Playing Game which I hope to use both within my social groups and commercially. (For those curious, the original system itself is a hack of an open-source ttrpg engine called Forged in the Dark). I'm looking forward to working with someone that can draw a landscape and cartographically focused map which serves as both a player aid and an in-universe creation in a plain but detailed style. I'm not familiar with the range of professional to hobbyist prices for these things, but would be happy to compare it to other similarly sized/detailed projects on here to work out a price! As a rule, I'm willing to pay into the 100s for it.
The piece will be a reimagining and remake of this amateurish one I created in WonderDraft (Colored). Stylistically, I am looking for something very similar to the map of the original game, Band of Blades (Greyscale),
but in more of an aged parchment color and with the fixings, aesthetics, and markers of a naval chart more than a land map. It is a map of a large region of islands and archipelagos, think something between the Caribbean and the Philippines. A few titles of region and sub-regions would be present, but not many, and they'll likely be different from the ones in the colored creation here for copyright and personal standards reasons. Feel free to ignore the large location icons/titles, as I plan to put those on the piece after it is finished. Crew of Cutlasses Map.pngAldermark.png
I am looking for professional quality work from an experienced hand, due to this being a commercial project as much as anything. That said, I prize specific fit over general qualifications.
The piece will be formatted as a PDF that can also be printed, so that page format is important. The piece would be a dual-spread, the size of two portrait-aligned pieces of standard letter-sized paper put together.
That said, Vector image is fine. I'm not looking for something with microscopic detail, just crisp and able to be zoomed in on well without becoming grainy or blurry
I am incredibly flexible with time. I want to have this project done before the end of the year, certainly, but if this takes a few months then that is completely reasonable as long as there are updates and you communicate with me throughout the period.
I am looking to use this commercially, and want full rights to do so. I'd also love to have you put it in your portfolios and use it in any way besides just selling it for commercial gain yourself. As long as we both make the origin project/artist of the work mutually clear, I don't have any desire to deprive you of the ability to use the map to further your artistic passions/career.
I'm a new member, so you can reach me at timothy---iorio(at) for further discussion, but please feel free to link to your portfolios here as well!
(Delete --- and replace (at) with @)