Yep, assorted nonsense and maps.
That's how my #mapvember rolls...
Not an everyday thing for me, like Inktober tends to be.
Here's where I'm just going to drop in the general mapvember stuff I'm doing/have done.
I'm still finishing up some large comm work, so my time is a bit sporadic still.
These are mostly already on my instagram, but many don't use IG, so here they are.
I'll have more on here before the month is done.
I started out with a shout out to ShallTeclex
So I went with islands forming an S
ShallTeclex 01.jpg-->ShallTeclex 02.jpg-->ShallTeclex 03.jpg
Just little maps.
Then I did a shout out to Blaiddrwg, Brian van Hunsel
More islands forming a B
Brian 01.jpg-->Brian 02.jpg-->Brian 03.jpg
Then I had hit 500 watchers on IG, so I did a thanks image for that.
500 watchers 01.jpg-->500 watchers 02.jpg-->500 watchers 03.jpg
Then I did a shout out for Chashio, Kaitlin Gray
Kaitlin-Chashio 01.jpg-->Kaitlin-Chashio 02.jpg-->Kaitlin-Chashio 03.jpg
The shout outs had started a few weeks ago with MistyBee, which had a big impact.
That of course led to the Land of Bee image. and then I got a shout from Onez [Filippo Vanzo] who lives in Sweden.
So I did a viking flavored piece as homage.
Land of Beee crop.jpg-->Land of Beee [original] by jstevensonX.jpg-->Land of Beee [remix] by jstevenson.jpg
This was a tiny little thumbnail sketch
Onez - Mapmaker 02.jpg-------->Mapmaker by jstevenson.jpg
I had gotten a shout out from Thomas, but Kellerica had got me off track with making a cartographer tee ;P
So this one got created...
Cartographer by jstevenson.jpg
But I got myself back on track and got this done for shouting back at Thomas this morning
He wanted it to relate to his avatar in Guildcity, Hattam-Reyes, scrivener of the Ancients.
It sort of does... the dragon within the world is one of the ancients that Hattam-Reyes scrivened for
Thomas - Hattam-Reyes sketch.jpg------>Thomas - Dragon Compass by jstevenson.jpg
Needless to say... I need some coffee now. wipes virtual sweat from brow...
I made tees and prints of some of these. If you're interested in any of that nonsense, I'll post links.
My Red Bubble shop has more than just tees. Mugs, some journals, and some other assorted items.
My Inprnt shop is just for the prints of these, and some of my other maps and images.
I'll be adding some more maps and images over this month. If there's one you are looking for, let me know.
Cheers, J