This post asked about drawing hex grids in Gimp.
I posted a quick and dirty hex script there, but have cleaned it up and added more features.
I shows up as Filters->Render->Pattern->Hex Grid... (which is the same sub-menu as the existing grid script).
This script works on the current layer/drawable to be consistent with the way the normal grid plugin works.
Here is the dialog:
The options are:
Element to Specify - is either the length of one side, the distance from point to point (equals the horizontal center to center in a horizontal oriented hex grid) or side to side (equals the vertical center to center in a horizontal oriented hex grid).
Length of Element - the length in pixels of the above item.
Hex Orientation - Horizontal or Vertical
Line width - the width of the stroke
Horizontal and Vertical offsets - when zero the first grid is tight in the upper left hand corner, with the stroke half off the edge. So for example, if you set it to a 1 pixel line width, you might want to change the corresponding offset to 0.5 so the lines are drawn lined up with the pixels and don't get aliased.
Color - colour of the hex grid, spelling the American way
Just a note that the grid dimensions and offsets are always to the center of the lines, so if you run the script again with a different colour and a thinner line width you can get some neat effects:
Hope this is useful. Suggestions on improvements or general comments and criticisms welcome.
-Rob A>