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Thread: New world builder coming back from hell

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  1. #1

    Map New world builder coming back from hell

    Hi everyone

    Im new in this Forum and in map making in general i started as a graphic designer few year ago and I get a bit bored by the industrie of big graphic design world... its always the same thing and the clients dont really estimate the people they work with... sooo after almost 5 year of logo print booklets boring mindmap photoshoot of wedding and stuff like that i return on my first love wich is illustration and more prescisely map creation. so its was a jump back in my childhood when i was often with a pen an a blank paper to creat map and world to dream of.

    I completely lost in this forum im not use of it so if a kind soul can explain me the basics of it it would be great (i already read all the official rules)

    here (i hope you can see my first map donne 2 month ago)

    i hope to have great time here


  2. #2
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    This is a very nicely drawn map. Do you plan to color it? At any rate, it is a good way to introduce yourself. I recommend getting to 5 posts ASAP, as then you be past the probationary period unfortunately made necessary by spammers.

    There are two mistakes in your labels, probably three. The first "h" in "Lighthouse" is missing both times the word appears. Also, 3 does not appear to be a lighthouse. "Barracks" should have a double r.

    That aside, this a most curious little village, and it seems like it would be well worth a visit.

  3. #3


    a very well-done map to kick things off! welcome to the guild!

  4. #4

    Map Maps and discovery

    Hi guys thanks for the answer

    Yep the map have a few flaws in it it was the first one
    for the probation do i need to post five time like in this thread ?
    else want are the thing to do in this this forum. plenty of people strongly advices me to go in there but i dont exactly know what i will find here.

    I clearly understand the probation thing bot are the cancer of old school forum.

    here you'ill find my second map with a bit of back story

    Black Powdy’s
    smuggler's hideout"

    A small canonner outpost held by pirates and smuggler on a lost portion of the coast, used to undock small longboat full of "untaxed crates of goods". Also used as neutral ground for meeting among smuggler pirate and members of many "non official" guild.

    This small fort is held by a foreign man called the Admiral black powdy's, he take a taxe for all goods transiting by is little bungalow and in exchange everything disappear swiftly and quietly.


  5. #5
    Community Leader Kellerica's Avatar
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    South Scotland (originally Finland)


    Hi, and welcome to the Guild!

    I'll be lazy and just quote myself from a previous post, as someone else also asked for some basics about the Guild...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post

    All in all, this is a pretty relaxed community, and as far as I know we don't really have that strict rules other than the ones of basic human decency. Be polite, treat others well, and you'll be treated well in kind. Everyone here is super friendly and welcoming, and this is honestly one of the warmest communities online.

    If you are looking for tips and tutorials to get you started, we do have a "Quickstart Guide" for mapping related matters, that might be worth checking out.

    We also host Mapping Challenges! These are some of the forum's finest features.

    We have two kinds of monthly challenges: a Lite Challenge, that usually starts around mid-month, and a Regular Challenge (or just 'Challenge'), that usually starts at the beginning of each month.
    You can find the current Lite Challenge here, and the current Regular Challenge here, or by just scrolling down the forum main page.

    As you can see, each of those areas has a sticky with the Challenge rules, that everyone should read, but the short and sweet version is basically this: the CL's give a brief for the map one must create for the Challenge, and a deadline for when the map must be finished. In order to take part, one must create a new thread with the challenge info in the title, and post their work in that thread. The maps must be started for this challenge only, so previous unfinished work is not accepted. When the deadline comes around, the threads get locked. Winner (or in some case winners, we have had a few ties every now and then) will be determined by a vote that every Guild member can partake in. Regular Challenge winners get a Golden Compass icon that you can see under their user name, and Lite winners a Silver Compass (like the one you can see under my user name there).

    Regular Challenges are open to every member of the Guild.
    Lite Challenges are open to all members, but excluding those that have already won either 3 Silver Compasses or one Gold.

    In addition to this, we also have the annual Atlas Awards, sometimes referred to as the Annual Challenge, where Guild members get to nominate and vote on maps completed over the year. The Atlas winners have Golden Globe icons under their username to indicate their success. More info on the Atlas Awards here.

    Some other basic things: we have the Finished Maps section, where (as you might guess) people can showcase their finished mapping works. If you have something to share, please don't hesitate to open a new thread!

    Then there is the WIP area, which is generally the best place to get feedback on maps you are currently working on. Separate sections for Regional/World, Cities, Dungeons and so on, so please post your works accordingly. General & Miscellaneous is always a good bet if you are not quite sure where your work fits, or if you are working on multiple pieces at the same time.

    Then you have the Mapping Resources area, that has a whole lot of good stuff hidden away.

    The Tutorials section is a gold mine for any beginner or more seasoned map-maker. There are some fantastic tutorials available here. Don't overlook any simply because they are old, most of them are still extremely useful to this day. I can safely say that everything I myself know about mapping and digital artwork, I have learned here.

    There's also the How Do I??? area, where you can post any mapping questions you might have. Being as specific as you can usually yields the best advice!

    Mapping elements and Reference material both also have a lot of great things that can be extremely helpful, so be sure to check them out as well.

    One final thing: You'll most likely sooner or later notice people talking about rep. Rep basically stands for your reputation in this community, and it's something that every member can give and receive. You can give rep to another user by clicking the little star icon underneath their post (right next to the "Blog this Post" text). Usually people tend to Rep posts with maps they like, but sometimes you can get repped for helpful or otherwise worthy comments too. So basically, whatever you feel like deserves it, rep it. You'll get notified on your profile when someone has repped you. This thread has more info on the subject, if my explanation is not clear enough (it's probably worth mentioning that I'm not a native English speaker... )
    So there you have some basic info on what you can find here. If there is anything I left out that you're wondering about, or there is anything else you need, please feel free to ask
    Last edited by Kellerica; 12-05-2019 at 08:30 AM.
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    Just give me liquorice and nobody gets hurt.

  6. #6

    Map Another map, another post for validation :)

    Hello everyone
    thanks a lot for the infos
    since im forced to create 5 post in order to be activated here an other map of mine.

    "St-James Booze and magic"

    A wandering tavern mounted on a giant albinos crocodile and held by the daugther of a whisky distiller

    Lady St-James, a powerful Archmage traveling across the desolated lands of war. Selling Ale, rhum, potions and dreadful spells to soldiers and wandering adventurers.

    Feared by many and loved by many more Lady St-james are a mother to all the lost souls of this world carrying with her the light of the conservatory and the warm of a good drink,

    She also settle in the border of swamps and small lakes, his "little friend" burrowing itself into the mud leaving only the tavern to the eyes of common folks.

    booze and magic_fullframe_nb.jpg

  7. #7
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Nice maps ! Very imaginative and well presented. Lots of thought put into these. You would do well in the monthly challenges if you wanted to take part.

  8. #8
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    Mar 2009


    14. "Heating" is missing the "n". (Also, 12 appears twice and I don't think that the bed is meant to be part of the tavern.)

    I don't imagine unruly customers are a problem twice.

    Poor croc must have a sore back. That's a pretty big building.

  9. #9

    Map last validation post an another map

    Yea i know there is few flaws on the labelling but those are for me only so its not that bad
    So here ma latest post for account validation
    and i present you my last map in date.

    "Selenius Throne"

    An old forgotten Throne filled with ancient magic, the resting place of a druid who choose the darkness of nature, the company of insects and giants forest spiders.

    Banned from the druids order he hide his realm in the deep forests of the Wellen near the borders of dwarfs territory, illustrating the dark side of nature powers he stand on the throne of the first spider druid the forgotten Selenius.

    Sad and lonely he still is one of the wisest and powerful druid into the world. Yakulu ebony Horns.map_5.jpg

  10. #10
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Inocyde worlds builder View Post
    Yea i know there is few flaws on the labelling but those are for me only so its not that bad
    I'm a bit of a compulsive copy editor. Always take criticisms of the details as a complement, though. It means your work was interesting enough to really look at.

    So here ma latest post for account validation
    and i present you my last map in date.

    "Selenius Throne"
    Now, this one has a really nice use of color to create an ominous mood. I'd definitely be prepping to fight a very big bad if you popped this out as a battlemap.

    I'd second the suggestion that you try some of the challenges.

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