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Thread: Help with cc3 and ft3

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  1. #1

    Default Help with cc3 and ft3

    Hello, I am new to using CC3 and FT3, I have created a map in FT3 with terraformer and need someone who is skilled in these programs to actually help me out with how to do some things that i cant seem to figure out.
    If anyone is interested I would really appreciate help and tutoring if possible.

  2. #2
    Guild Novice
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    God knows I'm no expert, but I'm a few steps ahead of where you sound to be. What do you need?

  3. #3


    You'll probably get more help if you post your work-in-progress in a thread in the Regional/World Mapping board. This one is more for people looking to commission an artist, and not everyone checks it. Or if you have a specific technical question, the How Do I??? board is a good place to ask it.

    The CC3 users sometimes take a little while to respond since ProFantasy has a pretty good forum of their own, but there are still a few around here. I myself won't be of much use since I haven't touched CC3 in five years or so.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  4. #4
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    As Midgardsormr points out, asking specific questions is likely to get you help. It may take a little longer to complete the conversation, but it lets that information be available to others who may have similar questions. The ProFantasy forum is also an excellent resource.

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