This was the challenge:
This was the campaign generated. Circled items were the ones I looked to incorporate into the map.Okay, this one seems to be a favorite, so lets do it again. BUT - we're going to do it a little different this time around. Go to this page:
This will generate a one-page pre-made campaign setting. Within that setting, pick an element and map it. You could map the entire world, just the local region, the starting town, the local inn, or really anything else you see on the campaign sheet. You can click refresh on that page as many times as you need to get something useable and/or interesting.
I chose to map Pepool itself. There's some disagreement as to the proper pronunciation, those favoring a long "e" claim that the name comes from an embarrassing incident at the time of its founding. Those favoring a short "e" say it was named for the stimulant herb found locally, "-ool" being an Old Elvish derived suffix meaning "source, supplier".
In any case, it is noteworthy that the halflings in Pepool seem to have been stealing a lot of knowledge, as they take up most of the loremaster slots on the sheet.
Given the somewhat cheesy and absolutely cliched nature of the generator, I chose to aim more for a D&Desque "what fantasy gamers think should be in a town" setting than any kind of realism.
Scale is 2"x2" to the pixel, with the river about fifty feet wide.
A little additional information: the flow of the White River is toward the top of the map. The Pyramid of Andah is the tallest building in town. "The Thief's Inn" is named solely for its high prices, made the official name over the original "Jack's Inn" after Jack's death and the subsequent sale of the property. Esidas's scheme to get the Demonic Rod of Sthele is to make enough money selling minor magics to adventurers in his magic shop to purchase the dread item of his undead dreams. He mostly leaves handling the business to underlings as personal interactions require a good deal of deception to avoid negative reactions to his skeletal appearance. I am aware that in this font, the "1" and the "I" (uppercase i) appear identical. I have left this ambiguity, as one of the locations involved is the Temple of Gagiel, the Trickster God.