Good morning all!
I am currently writing a solo project of an adventure setting for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition that takes place in my 'island and ocean style' adventure setting that is in a fantasy realm of the literal waters of time, where ancient relics from bygone eras float listlessly in an endless ocean of discovery and danger. The game focuses on an island city of Nighthaven, a tiered city broken up into three wards, each receiving a different amount of light from the Archmage's Lighthouse, locking the wards in a perpetual daylight, twilight, and darkness respectively from top to bottom. This adventure book is intended to be kickstarted and set to publish (ideally) by summer of 2025. One of the most integral parts of the campaign that I am lacking is a visual representation of the city of Nighthaven, and a breakdown for places of interest and districts of the wards. I am open to negotiate, as I have been paying regularly for character and setting art to bring this idea to life. I have more information about the workings of the world and plenty of description for artists to work with. Beyond the city, (which at this juncture is the most important for me to get done.) I also have several dungeons and explorable island maps that need to be generated as well for adventures, and a few island maps to throw in to the book as random explorable places. I'm looking forward to hearing from the great artists I've seen on here, and can't wait to bring this to life. I of course would require your express permission for commercial licensing for the maps. Thank you for your time!
A quick bit about me: I am 38 years old in New York, and this project has been one I have worked on for about a year's time. I have been DM'ing since the late 90s and got my start in 3rd addition AD&D and 3.5. I currently run a two year long campaign juggling 12 players. I am set to retire from my current professional position this month, and things are finally coming together for me to see this project through, win lose or draw.