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  1. #1
    Guild Novice
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    Wip Apollo 11 Mission Map

    Hi All.

    This is going to be my first map, and my first time documenting my work through this forum.

    I thought I would dip my toe in fantasy cartography by trying to capture the 'on surface' movements of NASA astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin over the 22.5 hours they were on the luna surface.

    Hopefully there will be enough elements contained within the poster to test some cartographic devices and play with scale and various information types. Im really looking forward to seeing how this turns out as I’ve always been a fan of space exploration and technology.

    I have made a rough schematic of the poster - A3 proportion - so could scale to A2 if information density is getting too great.
    I will work through the various elements as time permits.

    At the moment i am trying to bed down a visual style for the map - Modern, period (~1970’s), or something left field. My inital thoughts are towards a 70’s graphic approach with a modernist twist within the diagrams / typography - we’ll see.

    Has anyone else had a crack at illustrating moon terrain?

    C & C’s welcome.

    Cheers Tom.


  2. #2
    Banned User
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    Wow, a very cool project and a great start!

  3. #3
    Guild Novice
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    Hi all.

    Managed to squeeze in a few hours to push the concept a little further over the New Year’s Holliday. Developed a first pass at the crater treatment. I think it is a little too ‘photograpic’ at the moment and is lacking a bit of illustrative style.

    My reference, or benchmark were some 19th Century luna renderings by Étienne Léopold Trouvelot. I’ll have to get hold of a tablet I think to give me better control of the line work. I’ll continue to work on this and push a few more treatments around. I might try a totally line based approach - although I’ll have to work our a way to render the different types of crater edge. Hmm….

    I’m happy the way the colour pallet is heading although its quite monotone and ‘brown’ at the moment. This will change, and be fleshed out over time.

    I think I will develop the treatment of the diagrammatic elements and have a go at visualising the 22 hours of surface operations as a timeline along the bottom next.
    I’ll also work on the map boarder (frame?) elements as well

    C & C’s welcome.

    Cheers Tom


    Crater Detail

    Reference - Moon - 1875

  4. #4
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    illustrating moon terrain
    as in ink / pen drawing , no
    just using real imaging data and the LRO stereo DEM height data

    up until recently most "moon" photos were photos of cast & carved plaster done in a studio

    a shot from LRO, you can see the SHADOW of the lower half of the lander

    and the scientific data
    info and download info
    Last edited by johnvanvliet; 01-03-2015 at 06:06 PM.
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

    --- Penguin power!!! ---

  5. #5
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    instead of adding

    a set of images OF the Apollo 11 landing stage on the moon

    ---- from the LRO Narrow angle camera
    0.5 Meters per pixel resolution
    ( zooming out from the lander )

    and a zoom out of the same area with a mosaic from the LRO wide angle camera

    6 Km per pixel resolution
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

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  6. #6
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    @ johnvanvliet

    Great set of links - love the scaling images - I still have trouble grasping the scale of things - staggering to think they can get 0.5px / meter resolution. The lander site images you have linked to will definitely be of use.

    I had suspected the some of the earlier (60's - 70's) maps were illustrated then photographed.

    Cheers Tom

  7. #7
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    I work with this kind of data all the time

    it is possible to get access to EVERY image taken by EVERY NASA spacecraft ( and some "ESA" and "JAXA -Japan" )

    and even some other imaging data
    like the 6x7 cm images from cameras the Apollo Astronauts had strapped to themselves
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

    --- Penguin power!!! ---

  8. #8
    Guild Novice
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    Hi All.

    After messing around with a few different map treatments and a bit of head scratching, I felt myself starting to ‘go around’ in circles. Knowing this could go on forever I decided to step back and take a fresh look at my mapping problem.

    To visually represent the 21.5 hours 2 astronauts spent on the surface of the moon.
    This would show:
    1. Site terrain
    2. Physical elements - Lander position, American flag, various science instruments etc…
    3. Site position of images taken while on the surface
    4. Pathways and activity areas used by the astronauts

    This would all be tied together by means of a timeline illustration the sequence of events

    The problem.
    My landing map is too photographic (i.e. very similar visually to my site reference material) and does not have the visual clarity required - it will overpower the other map elements when combined

    The issues at hand

    Land area represented is approximately 70m x 120m - quite small

    Geographic topology
    There is alot of ‘same’. No immediate distinctions such as water, land, vegetation, mountains etc… to give visual structure.

    I’ve made a short list ordered by geographic subtlety of what would likely appear on the ground around the landing site.
    1. Shallow depression
    2. Very subdued crater
    3. Subdued crater
    4. Sharp crater
    5. Rocks

    If I match appropriate visual elements and treatments to each type I should get a good starting point to the underlying structure of the map.

    Physical Items
    1. Lander position
    2. American flag
    3. LRRR - Laser Ranging Retroreflector
    4. PSEP - Passive Seismic Experiment Package
    5. SWC - Solar-Wind Composition
    6. TV - Television camera
    7. ALSCC - Apollo Lunar Surface Closeup Camera
    8. Jettison Bag

    These are known things with a size, shape and location.

    Temporal Activities
    • First Steps
    • Panoramic Photography
    • Science experiments / observations
    • Moon Walks

    These would be mapped over / on the base topology.

    Lets See how this goes.



    Missing the mark - Alternate Crater Treatments

  9. #9
    Guild Novice
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    Wip Apollo 11 Lunar surface EVA map

    Hi All.

    A quick update to progress. In my last post I outlined a course of attack.

    I made a short list ordered by geographic subtlety of what would likely appear on the ground around the landing site. Shallow depression, Very subdued crater, Subdued crater, Sharp crater, Rocks. These were mapped onto a base area.

    Primary Elements


    Roughing in colour, texture and tone as per Shallow depression, subdued crater,
    Sharp crater, Rocks etc...


    I felt the overall tonal quality was a bit uniform, so I tweaked the Contrast and Hue (via adjustment layers within PS) of the ground layers - This resulted in an appropriate amount of visual 'noise' a gives a nice level of visual diversity. Because I used adjustment layers I can go back and tweak this if need be.


    Now to add the detail as per this list:

    Physical Items - known things with a size, shape and location
    Lander position, American flag
    LRRR, PSEP, SWC, Television camera, ALSCC, Jettison Bag etc...

    Temporal Activities
    First Steps, Panoramic Photography, Science experiments / observations, Moon Walks


    Still working on the detail, colours etc...

    I am comfortable with the overall look and structure and will now move onto the frame and border elements. Will no doubt continue to tinker with small details.

    C & C welcome.

    Cheers Tom

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