I'm working on another commission right now, this map will be for a Play by Email strategic campaign.
I'm taking a bit of a breather from the hand-drawn styles, and I forgot how much fun texturing a satellite styled map can be. The client has concerns about copyrights, so the fullview does have some watermarking embedded, plus it's posted at 50% of the working size. I have to say i've been thoroughly enjoying working on this map, and there's been a lot of positive working back and forth to get to this stage, it's nearly done now
I'm also posting a screenshot of a portion to show the detail at 100%. I *really* liked the zone borders when they were red, but some of the players are red-green colourblind, so i had to keep that into account when working on the overlays. If there are any colourblind members that view this map, I'd appreciate some feedback - to be honest, this is the first time I've needed to work with that specific condition in mind.