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Thread: A ''Millions Of Years Into The Future'' post-apocalyptic alternate map of Earth

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  1. #1

    Map A ''Millions Of Years Into The Future'' post-apocalyptic alternate map of Earth

    Most warm greetings to all esteemed mapmakers who may stumble upon this post,

    To start off from a plain and frank note; I am looking for someone willing to do a ''fill in'' job on a map that I have that requires *ornamentation*. To be more precise, the map I have needs additions of biomes, climate zones [the two of which in my previous shots at map-making I have combined into a singular element] such as savannah, deserts, continental & temperate woodland in addition to significant topographic features like mountain massifs, semi-mountainous hill country and long-flowing rivers of the caliber of the Amazon, Nile, Volga, Danube.

    Detailed and intricate geographical particularities, be it minor rivers or distinguishable features of the local terrain in any one spot on the map are not something that I want (unless the who happens to take this project up does, that is your prerogative). The only relevant factors that I would beseech the one who does take up my request are to take into consideration the gravity and caliber of changes of ecological, climate, and even geological repercussions would play in altering the continental bodies of Earth alongside, notwithstanding the potential for human-caused planetary disasters that can (and likely would) transpire over the course of that long course of time (taking into account conditions like the severity in which the Earth's magnetic sphere may be affected as well as its axial tilt).

    Since this is an unpaid request...which might as well be...panhandling for someone to indulge me with their time. Therefore, whoever so feels magnanimous enough to take this up can be free to employ whatever art style one so chooses with respect to how the map is tackled along the lines of the loose and generalized guidelines I've set.

    The purpose of this map is not-for-profit, private use, for a NationStates factbook.

    Here is the map, courtesy of u/Talo_L to whom goes all credit.

    Planet Ezam 4.png

  2. #2


    Extra note: I have no conditions with respect to the time frame the map can or should be finished. That is something I'd like to clear up for any who might be feeling generous to take up my request. Though, I would hazard to guess that to an adroit map-maker, the time I (speculatively) would guess would take and a half hour, two at most as I hold no pretension for smaller, more more involute features to be added in relation to nuances in local climate or terrain.

  3. #3


    This is something I would be quite interested in doing… but not for free. It's quite a big map and adding in the necessary zones (assuming a straightforward style as used for most climate maps) would take me several hours alone. That is without taking into account the many, many hours that would need to go into research for a map that “take[s] into consideration the gravity and caliber of changes of ecological, climate, and even geological repercussions”. It's a very demanding project and I doubt that many artists out there would be willing to invest that kind of time volunteerly. Nor do I think that they should, but then again to each their own.
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