I'm currently building the Dragon's Demand module in Roll20 for use in a game. Problems arise when the internet doesn't have maps for use! As I'm not particularly skilled in any map-making programs what-so-ever, I'm wondering if someone could build me a quick map of the Blood Vow Lair, as the one from the PDF has the room numbers and trap markers and that won't fly during a game. If you don't have access to the map, I'd be willing to send you a picture of it for reference. I'd appreciate if the halls and whatnot could be increased in size, preferrably to 10 feet wide rather than 5 feet in most of the areas. I may also need other maps made if I come across them and would appreciate if you kept in touch.
Style? I'd appreciate a slightly realistic map as I'm doing my best to make this as user-friendly as I can for the players. Hoping to use it to run a few new-to-pathfinder players for their first time. A more realistic map not only fits with the other maps I'm using, but it gives them an easier time with imagination and less chance to deter them from returning to the game. Utility trumps beauty though as I do need an effective map for battle.
Quality and size? Up to the creator. As long as I'm able to use it for online play I'm happy.
Time constraints? I'll be working around you basically. As soon as you can get the map done, I can start my campaign. So as soon as you're able is probably the most suitable time frame.
Copyright? Copyright remains with the artist, as I don't plan on using this for any sort of commercial gain. All I'd like is rights to use the map for personal and I guess reproduction use.
Paid? I may be willing to pay for the map if the artist is willing to put that much effort into it. I basically just need a background map that I can add objects and elements to, but if the artist adds the objects and elements from the module book I'd be more than willing to pay a small fee for the service.
Contact? My email is "agm.miles -- at -- gmail.com"
Would appreciate a quick response! Have a good day.