Note: I was going to upload the map here, but after several failed attempts, I decided to upload it to DeviantART instead. You can find the map here.
This is the first world I've made. It's the planet of Benuri, which will be the setting of a future D&D campaign that I am going to DM. There are three sentient species that live on this planet; the Azotha, the Grunvar, and the Khet.
The Azotha (cookie if you get the reference) are essentially like humans, except they are generally a little darker skinned, and they are slightly bigger (not noticeable without careful study)
The Grunvar live in huge underground cities in the mountains, are burly and muscular, and are expert miners and blacksmiths. These traits might make them sound like dwarfs, but in almost all other ways they are different. For instance, their size. The Grunvar grow to a height of up to 2.3 metres, and weigh between 300 and 370 kilos. Despite their intimidating appearance, they are actually very friendly, and an angry Grunvar is a rare (albeit dangerous) sight.
The truly remarkable thing about the Grunvar is their skin. It looks like it is made out of metal, and is almost as strong as metal too. Different Grunvar have skin that looks like different sorts of metal, and it is usually the golden or silvery ones that are the leaders. However, exceptions do occur. Even though the Grunvar are very friendly, and have very good relations with the Azotha, they are rarely found away from the mountains. This is because they have a very strong bond to the mountains and crave to be near them at all times, and also because most of them have agoraphobia.
The third species is the Khet. They only live in the eastern part of the planet (as far as the other species know, anyway), and tend to keep to themselves. They are not necessarily hostile, however. The reason they shy away from the other species is that they are much more technologically advanced than the other species, and they want the Azora and Grunvar to develop on their own (also, they want their technology for themselves. Greedy buggers.). Their technology has been seen briefly by the Azotha and Grunvar a few times throughout the ages, and this has sprouted endless myths about the mysterious god-like cat people. As a result, cats are sacred to both Azotha and Grunvar.
I was originally planning on making a WIP-thread about this, but then I decided that I'd already got far enough that I might as well wait with posting it until it was done.
The map is based on a tutorial by Tear, by the way, which can be found here. Thanks, Tear!