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Thread: Fantasy Map for mobile jrpg

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  1. #1

    Default Fantasy Map for mobile jrpg

    Hello Cartographers,

    I hope you are all doing well during this difficult time we are living. All fine on my side for now.
    I would like please to have a nice map for the mobile game I am currently developing (@MonbotsRPG on twitter if you want more information about it).

    The map will consist on a big continent with mountains, forests, road, cities, snows, beach, two islands...
    The game takes place in a fantasy world, not necessarly in the future but the world is full of IA robots. I have as much villages on grass and wood houses than modern cities with futuristic cars and such.
    The map will remain a classic fantasy map though; where the nature is more dominant than the rest.
    I am sorry if I am not very precise. I am always better at replying questions than in describing things. So if you need more details, do not hesitate to contact me

    My current map:
    See below the current map I have done for the programming purpose (needed to test the integration in libgdx framework) on a free hex tool representing the complete world where my game takes place.


    Legend of the map:
    0) Light green background correspond to grass
    1) Village with 5 wood houses with straw roof on grass. Waterfall on top left corner of the village (falling from big montains)
    2) This icon, trees on light green background is to show forest with road: crossable by the character
    3) This icon, trees on dark green background is to show forest very dense where the character cannot walk into
    4) City, modern and classic, about a dozens of houses and 2 small buildings
    5) This icon (entrance) and the icon of unique mountain on light brown background correspond to an area of a cave inside medium relief mountains. Area where the player can go
    6) This is an open air Azteque temple with a maze inside
    7) This icon, trio of mountains on dark brown background corresponds to high relief mountains, very dense and inaccessible for the player
    8 ) City, very modern and almost futuristic, with a big tower (Empire State Buidling style) in the centre, 4 buildings, and half a dozens houses
    9) Dark grey background correspond to concrete road for cars
    10) Grey Stone bridge
    11) Beach
    12) Island with city in Bunkers + 1 small cave
    13) City like number 4, with a police station and a big museum in the center
    14) Cave but with cold stone: dark blue-grey stones instead of brown one like number 5).
    15) The white area after the cave correspond to a snow area
    16) Equivalent of 7) but with dark_blue stone instead of brown ones.
    16*) I was not capable to design it with the open source tool but the area below the snow between 17) and 19) included is actually deep cliffs
    17) Village with 4 stones house and snow on the roofs
    18 ) Ice blue cave
    19) Fort with military camp
    20) open field with fee trees. Used to fly towards the city in the sky. No need to do something in particular there, it is a take off area
    21) city in the sky surrounded by clouds. modern city with 6-7 houses and maybe a big temple (not designed yet)
    22) Fishing city, a bit middle age one with old wood boat and 6 ston-ish houses
    23) Island with nothing particular
    24) Biggest city of the game, modern classic, with 20-30 houses, 5-6 buildings, cinema, hospital, garage, hotel...
    25) Medieval city within a fort with a lot of medieval houses, an inn, a church, a big castle on the back of the city...
    26) Military camp, with structured house and a big buidling used as practice field and arena

    Example of expected map:
    However I need now something with more panache and more realistic. I am very open to suggestion about what the maps could look like. So feel free to send me sample of what you are capable to make.
    I have however an example of a map that caught my intention:

    The size of the map should be 2048 x 1472 (because I am using map with tile of 32 x 32 in my framework)
    Full color
    .jpg file

    Additional information:
    I can send you different .tmx files I used in my game to have a better idea if you need it. However this will be possible only after signing a Non-disclosure agreement.

    I will have the right to use the image for commercial purposes (as part of my game, and following games/DLCs if any), the artist will have the right to exhibit the image as part of his portfolio and promotional materials.

    Flexible. I have many things to do first on my current game first. However I would like to have it before the 31th of May if it is not too much asking.

    We can discuss your rate by email. I have no idea how much a map of that sort cost usually (in term of time and price)
    As I have no idea what it should cost, I will drop a price there: I am willing to pay $300 USD. If I am too far off (too low or opposite). Let me know. I am open for negociation.
    Payment will be done via Paypal (I will cover the fee) and I will pay 33% of the price upfront, 33% after validation of the sketchs (you can watermark it) and the rest after delivery of the final work.

    First post on the forum so I think no DM yet possible.
    My email though: matteodoncacci (at) gmail (dot) com

    Thank you all in advance,

    Last edited by MonbotsRPG; 03-23-2020 at 11:34 AM.

  2. #2


    Thank you for your emails !
    I have found the cartographer artist. Good luck everyone.
    (job taken)
    Last edited by MonbotsRPG; 03-24-2020 at 04:09 AM.

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