This is sort of a map, just doesn't have labels at the moment.
And may actually become part of a larger rendering of the entire estate.
I am not entirely sure at this point.
I was sitting around drawing on Saturday? or was it Sunday?.. I think it was Saturday.
Drew up several little images and this was one and then a little story sort of sprouted.
[This was maybe 3 by 4 inches or so. Somewhat small for me.]
Here's that story....
This is the great house of Morgyle, or, as it is known among humans,
The Longshadows; the estate of the ancient and noble family of Albinuris.
However, among the cats of the Silver Lakes, it has long been known as
the roaming lands of that great and widely acclaimed feline
and most noble personage [or as it were... cattage ? ],
the great Morgyle the Grey - survivor of the Ratten Plague
and feller of the Catslayer, the human RinqleSnarl
as the cats call him. [In life he was Olaf Grenil.]
The estate is extensive with many barns further afield
and a very large collection of cellars and basements.
Such wondrous places a cat might wander and lay about
in such pleasure with things to see and to smell that delight
the senses and arouse the strange feline passions.
The Albinuris family have long been friends of the Feline folk,
as well as host to a varied array of creatures, mythical and general.
And from them have they learned much that is both hidden and secret.
Such as the time of day when it is best to eat a nut or to clean one's nails
of the blood of one's foe, should one claw that foe to utter ruin.
It is rumored that Lady Kuris, a most ancient dame of House Albinuris,
speaks 10 dialects of Cat and has a passing understanding of
the Rattenspech, as well as the lost tongue of Micenaur.
She was known to mediate disputes between the Rats and Cats
when requested to act as such, for they have many grievances, those two.
And here's the little image/map thing, as it sits right now....
I am always reminded of Larb and flowers in the grass, so those are a nod to her.
Great House of Morgyle by sirinkman2.jpg