This was my first "legitimate" mapping project. I was working on making a custom campaign setting for a D&D campaign I was going to run for a friend. I hopped in photoshop with the intention of putting something together quickly as a reference for myself. After a few reworks, the more than a decade of being a graphic designer just kept saying, "you can make this look better". So with a weekend of work and a lot of inspiration from this site, actually, I came up with this. By the end of it all, I found that I really enjoyed doing it, since then I've done a commission for someone else and I am looking forward to being a part of this community.
Welcome to the world of Prynh, once enslaved by Dragon overlords, a world of fledgling civilizations and adventures.
As far as the progress goes, it was all done in Photoshop CS6.
- Custom "Dragonhand" setting logo designed by me. (Used in border design, top right and in background for ocean filler as part of the compass in the bottom left)
- Mountains and other terrain features are hand-drawn by me, save the trees, which are a brush to save time. Brush credit goes to StarRaven.
Here are a list of the fonts used. You should be able to find all of these on Dafont.
- Aparajita for Large City names and the "PRYNH" title.
- BlackChancery for Small Towns/Settlements/Forts as well as terrain titling (e.g. Oceans, Forests, Mountains)
I learned a lot during the process, and I still find things every time I look at the finished product that I would change (and have in future projects), but I am happy with it. It was very satisfying to work so hard and finish something that I am proud of.