The Menhir Dance of the Ui'iliad is a stone circle of immense upright stones numbering 27, surrounding a "U" shaped dance of menhir stones facing the south southwest, and a white granite omphalos stone lies at the center. It stands at the center of a rising of land over the surrounding plain, just southeast of Lake Fuath, a bottomless pit of turbulent water with no visible rivers emptying it to the sea. The site was built by an extinct culture, though it is currently managed by a council of druids from each of the four kingdoms of Hybrini. They have placed 27 immense runestones surrounding the circle. (Stone Dance is an old term for a menhir stone circle.)
Trinity has power in Celtic numerology, it is their most mystical number. 27 being a trinity of threes (3x3x3) is the second most mystical number (9 has power as well). The trinity of power at this locus is the sun, the moon and the earth - source of arcane power, the providence of the runemaster druids. A precise alignment of lunar and solar movements correspond to geomantic relationship with this precise location on the island manifesting as arcane power.
The attached map below is a larger regional map that will be used as an inset showing the location of the Menhir Dance on the Hybrini Isle and the regions of the four kingdoms, labeled with Celtic shield heraldric devices and names below. The main map will be developed when I complete this inset map. Still contriving ideas to doing this right.
See the lake roughly at the center of the map, southeast of the central mountain range? Just southeast of the lake escarpment is the location of the Menhir Dance of Ui'iliad.
I am using my hand-drawn style (still haven't mastered my Bamboo Fun, so I'm doing it old school with a pen) finished in Xara Xtreme. I'm actually making this map for my intended setting, so it convenient that I can place the Locus here, for use as a challenge entry. I'll get to the main entry map this weekend, and early next week.
Hybrini is my Ireland analog of a Western Europe analog I'm creating called the Lands of Keld setting, I'm developing for publication next year (Pathfinder RPG compatable.)
### Latest WIP ###