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Thread: Primeval Thule Map Redraw

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  1. #1

    Post Primeval Thule Map Redraw


    Hello mapmakers. I am looking for someone who can make a map from another map as closely as possible, this one for the Primeval Thule campaign setting for D&D and other games. Its an interesting map, if a bit plain and uninteresting to look at. The problem is that every available version reveals all the locations on the map which makes it unsuitable for showing to players. Would someone mind doing a re-drawing of the map and its topography, main regions, and scale (10 miles to the inch) based on the provided art? I don't know how difficult such a thing would be, so I put unpaid but if it is something challenging then I might be persuaded to pay a bit.

    I am looking for a map either in the original style or maybe in the artists' preferred style if they desired, I'd be happy with semi-professional work. The dimensions are to be 1920x1080 pixels. I'm not certain whether it ought to be raster or vector, perhaps someone looking at the original can tell me. I have no time limits on this, just whenever anyone would be willing to.

    Also I do not yet have 5 posts on the board to be able to send private messages, so if you want to contact me, you can email me at

    If you decide to take this request, thank you very much and if not, thanks anyways just for reading my request.
    Last edited by gaxkang; 05-03-2021 at 01:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Dec 2007
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    Because this map has certain properties of having all of the names high contrast and in the same colour and by the fact that most of the background items are block colour you have a bit of scope to do some pixel arithmetic.

    By taking a few copies of the map and then using a Median filter with a very large value you can blast off most of the names. It will destroy some aspects of the map but generally leave you with a lower detail version of it. Then you can select some of the colour values and by using some arithmetic and masking you can add back in the roads and the rivers.

    So with a few processes you can get to this quite quickly.



    And another advantage of having the exact same map as a base is that you can put them on layers and pull in some aspects of the named version into the unnamed one as the players explore it.

    Last edited by Redrobes; 05-03-2021 at 08:34 AM.

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