Hello from Hokkaido, I am very happy to join this community, and participate. My background is in Commercial Art. 15 years of professional experience as an illustrator, and graphic designer Naturally computer programs have evolved rapidly over years, and I continue to pick up new interests in the Arts. I have made the move into Web design, Video Production, and now 3D Models. I never would have been excited, if not for being introduced to Google SketchUp. I have jumped in the deep end of the pool, my first attempt at 3D modeling is a massive alpine region. Actually it is a ski resort called Niseko. Anyone heard of it? Well any ways I have been trolling around the web for the last 2 months trying to figure out the process of transforming a printed topographical map into an awesome 3D model. I got pretty far along the way. The Mountain looks good, and very dimensional. I like to orbit, and think about the actual views from locations. I am in the process of finishing, and would like to share my experience in the hope that this community would assist me with the polishing of Niseko.
Ryan Mentzos
Ⓒ 2008 ideapark.jp