Nov '19/Jan '20 Lite Challenge: Map a City
This month's Challenge is based on a suggestion from Naima: Map a City Thread
So the Challenge is to Map a City or Large Town, it could be ancient , Medieval or modern , a City or a Metropolis, isometric, bidimensional or tridimensional ...
Have a story background explaining how and why it was founded or evolved and feature some monuments in it ...
Any size, any setting, any race or culture. It might be a small elven tree city in a fantasy world or a large Klingon settlement on a distant moon.
Win a silver compass, you'll like it
Mapping a large city can take quite a while so this challenge is going to be
A Two Month Challenge
The Challenge will run until the end of the day on the 14th of January, (Midnight eastern daylight time between the 14th and 15th, more or less, depending on when I can get to the computer to start the voting) and then there will be 3 days of voting. Someone is going to win a Silver Compass, it could be you!
As usual, title your threads: "Nov '19 / Jan '20 Lite Challenge: << your title here >> "
Don't forget to put the hashtag: ### Latest WIP ### in front of all WIP pictures, and especially in front of your final map. And don't forget, there is a WIP button that automatically posts this for you. Try it, You'll like it!
And remember, if you put more than one image on the same post, only one of them gets picked up.
The Challenge will run from November 19th until end of day January 14th. 2 months! Plenty of time but don't procrastinate, with the Holidays coming up it is going to be a busy season.
Quick rules reminder: The Lite Challenge is open to anyone who has not already won 3 Silver compasses, 1 Gold Compass, or been selected as a featured Cartographer's Choice Map.
Also, the map has to be started on or after the first day of the challenge, no reusing older maps even if they were not finished.