How wide is your continent (of the 21000-wide planetary map)? For transformations like this, you'd generally want to distort as little of the world as possible, so starting with a cropped continental area might be useful.
Annoyingly, it turns out that I didn't get GDAL installed on my machine again when I had to reinstall everything last year and it didn't go well when I tried again just now. In theory, it should be a matter of doing something similar to (create a GeoTIFF using gdal_translate that describes the input image, then use gdalwarp to convert that to the desired output area). I can't tell you the exact command lines, but I think that the idea is to warp from one center in EPSG:4326 to a different center (you're basically doing an oblique equirectangular projection if I recall correctly).
Sorry I can't be quite as much help as I'd hoped to be. I did write a little windows version of the program I described above, but it doesn't properly recenter the image, just stretches it on a scanline basis as shown below. I adjusted the code in the post above to be what's used in this program because it had several errors in it.
It also only works on 24-bit uncompressed windows bitmap files because the library that I was using doesn't handle images much above 8K without problems. In theory, you can read a small enough PNG or JPG with it, but it will only output BMPs. is the executable if you'd like to try it. No guarantees about anything at all, as always (make a backup of your files before starting!) I really need to go about getting a security certificate for that site one of these years...