Hello Guild,

I've been extremely busy lately, sedulously applying your suggestions to improve my cartography one step at at time. In my opinion, creating a convincing DEM represents 90% of the work for this type of map, especially for those of us who choose not to use satellite data. (I had to break down and use some actual satellite DEMs, but only for my bathymetry.)

Once completed, this project will feature an entire world map representing a planet somewhat smaller than the earth, orbiting a larger planet, which in turn will orbit a sun somewhat more massive than ours. The physics has been very accurately modelled, accounting for density gradients, tides, rotational bulges, and a number of other details. (I'm striving for realism here, not aesthetics.)

In this submission, I've carefully ensured that rivers don't wander uphill, and that all stray pixels and artifacts have been removed.

I hope you like these results.

